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About the Navigators and Adventurers Program

The Navigators ( 11-13 ) and Adventurers ( 14-17 ) programs are seperate programs, though they share badgework and ranks.  Ideally the two age groups will meet jointly once a month with the Adventurers in charge, while the three other weekly meetings will be held separately with the Trailmaster in charge of the Navigators, and the Advisor and First Officer in charge of the Adventurers.  There is a notable difference between the abilities and social outlooks of Navigators and Adventurers, and the Navigators/Adventurers split allows both age groups to thrive within their age-specific comfort zones.

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Navigators, boys age 11-13 gain understanding of their values and beliefs under the guidance of godly male role models through being responsible in outdoor adventures and in their home and school life. They explore areas of interest and earn Trail Badges for advancement.

​Navigators-age boys ( age 11-13 ) participate in a true outdoor program with hiking, camping, and other activities. They are in more of a learning mode, developing their core skills with adequate supervision and easing gracefully into camping by patrols.


Navigators have a simple patrol structure. The youth leader is a Junior Patrol Leader, and members are called upon as needed to step up and handle certain jobs during meetings or activities according to the duty roster. They should camp, cook, and eat by patrol during outings whenever practical. Preferably, the Trail Guide or Trailmaster only gets involved when youth leaders are not making satisfactory progress and then, if possible, only to the extent of backing up the Junior Patrol Leader’s authority.

How The Navigators Program Works

​Navigators are able to aquire 3 ranks: Recruit, Able, and Ready.

These ranks are shared with the Adventurers as both Navigators and Adventurers aged boys all start at the Recruit rank when they first join Trail Life.

A Navigator will work to complete 9 Core Skills Trail badges and up to 3 elective badges on his path through his ranks.

Worthy Life Award

An important special award within the Navigators program centers on faith. This award is titled the Worthy Life Award. The award is earned once as a Navigator.  Crosses are awarded at each program level on completion of the Worthy Life Award requirements, with the first cross awarded along with the Worthy Life implement itself. A Navigators Trailman can earn one cross in his 3 year program. This cross adorn the gray ribbon. 

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The Ridgeline Award

The Ridgeline Awards is the highest honor that may be earned (only) as a Navigator. To earn the Ridgeline Award, a Trailman must have earned the Ready Trailman Rank, meet troop participation requirements, earn the Navigator Worthy Life Award, and complete a community service project. A board of review is required.

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Adventurers, young men ages 14-18 mature in wisdom and faith through more difficult challenges and leadership activities with Christian men walking alongside. They plan and lead outdoor events and large projects while exercising leadership positions in the Troop, even mentoring some of the younger Trailmen.

Adventurers (14-17) are older teens who are ready and willing to make big decisions. The Adventurer Advisor or Trail Guide is to step back and let Adventurer Trailmen make those decisions. An Advisor's preferred way to give advice may be to appear not to give advice at all.  Leaders may ask questions like, "Does that outfitter have a long waiting list?" or a statement such as, "I think you have to be at least 18 to go on that hike." The boys will take it from there. It is always better to raise the question than to blurt out the answer. This is somewhat akin to a mother or teacher asking you to use the dictionary yourself rather than asking for the definition of a word. It is also a subtle vote of confidence in their ability to handle the issue themselves.


Where Navigators Trailmen focused on ranks as they became capable outdoorsmen, Adventurers Trailmen focus on awards that represent increased independence and leadership skills.

How The Adventurers Program Works

​Adventurers are able to aquire 3 ranks: Journey, Ascent, and Horizon.

These ranks can only be earned by Adventurers who have completed up through the Ready rank.

An Adventurer will work to complete 6 True Freedom Trail badges, up to 10 elective badges, and potions of his Freedom Experiences on his path through his ranks.

Worthy Life Award

An important special award within the Adventurers program centers on faith. This award is titled the Worthy Life Award. The award is earned once as an Adventurer.  Crosses are awarded on the completion of the Worthy Life Award requirements, with the first cross awarded along with the Worthy Life implement itself. An Adventurer Trailman can earn one cross in his 4 year program. This cross adorn the blue ribbon. 

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The Freedom Award

The Freedom Award is Trail Life’s highest honor. To be considered for the award, the Trailman must have earned the Horizon Rank, meet troop participation requirements, and complete a total of four Trail Life-approved Freedom Experiences as an Adventurer, including two in one major field, one minor in a second field, and one additional minor in a third field. The Trailman must also complete the Adventurer Worthy Life Award, complete a Freedom Servant Leadership Project, and complete a Freedom Award Board of Review.



Core Skills Trail Badges

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True Freedom Trail Badges

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Any One (1) Fitness Badge


Published Elective Trail Badges to Choose From


Apologetics I

Apologetics II


Art History





Bible Basics


Boating Safety

Camp Counselor


Christian Faith Activities


Competitive Rock Climbing

Competitive Swimming



Driving Safety

Electrical Engineering



Environmental Stewardship

Engineering Systems


Founders and Framers

Followers of Freedom

Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Structures


Communications Technology

Climb On!





Martial Arts

Military Heritage

Model Rocketry

Muzzle Loading

My State

Pet Care


Native Americans

Nature and Wildlife








Running Sports

Sewing for Adventure


Skating Sports

Survival Skills

Stamp Collecting

Special Needs


World Heritage

Vehicle Care



Small Engine Mechanics


Respect Life



Design-Your-Own-Badge program)

Both Navigators and Adventurers begin their trail to the Freedom Award with the Recruit Trailman Rank, moving upward through all six ranks. To ensure each Trailman approaching the Freedom Award is of sufficient maturity, the upper ranks (Journey, Ascent, and Horizon) may only be earned as an Adventurer. In addition to these ranks, the Ridgeline Award is the highest honor that may only be earned as a Navigator:

This is the joining rank that must be earned by all Navigators and Adventurers on the trail to the Freedom Award. Among other requirements, a Recruit Trailman must memorize the Trailman oath and motto and the Pledge of Allegiance, demonstrate the Trailman sign, salute, and handshake, and demonstrate proper

folding of the American flag.

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To earn the Able Trailman Rank, a Trailman must have earned the Recruit Trailman Rank, meet troop participation requirements, and earn a total of six Trail Badges, including any four Core Skills Trail Badges and any two additional Trail Badges. A Navigator earning the Able Trailman Rank must complete fifteen hours of service each program year; an Adventurer must complete twenty hours of service each program year. A board of review is also required.

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To earn the Ready Trailman Rank, a Trailman must have earned the Able Trailman Rank, meet troop participation requirements, and earn a cumulative total of twelve Trail Badges, including all nine Core Skills Trail Badges and any three additional Trail Badges. A Navigator earning the Ready Trailman Rank must complete fifteen hours of service each program year; an Adventurer must complete twenty hours of service each program year. The Trailman must also demonstrate leadership to the troop. A board of review is required.

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The Journey Rank may only be earned by an Adventurer. To earn the rank, a Trailman must have earned the Ready Trailman Rank, meet troop participation requirements, and earn a cumulative total of fifteen Trail Badges, including all nine Core Skills Trail Badges, any one True Freedom Trail Badge, and any five additional Trail Badges. He must complete twenty hours of service each program year, demonstrate leadership to the troop, and draft a plan for completing at least four Freedom Experiences as an Adventurer, including two minors and a major. A board of review is required.

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To earn the Ascent Rank, a Trailman must have earned the Journey Rank, meet troop participation requirements, and earn a cumulative total of twenty Trail Badges, including all nine Core Skills Trail Badges, any three True Freedom Trail Badges, and any eight additional Trail Badges. He must complete twenty hours of service each program year, demonstrate leadership to the troop, and complete at least one Freedom Experience since becoming an Adventurer. A board of review is required.

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To earn the Horizon Rank, a Trailman must have earned the Ascent Rank, meet troop participation requirements, and earn a cumulative total of twenty-five Trail Badges, including all nine Core Skills Trail Badges, all six True Freedom Trail Badges, and any ten additional Trail Badges. He must complete twenty hours of service each program year, demonstrate leadership to the troop, and complete at least two Freedom Experience since becoming an Adventurer. A board of review is required.

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All information is based off of revised Handbooks, Leaders Guides, and Help Documents as of 2024
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